Who We Are

We are NDIS Registered Disability Support

NDIS Registered – Disability Support Service Provider In Australia

We Are Here To Empower Every Person To Make Their Own Decisions. We strongly believe in our Charter of Care.

Special Care Australia Pty Ltd ‘s is a NDIS registered company which provides support to people with special needs in their day to day activities and Supported Independent Living. Our services provide people with special needs to realise their full potential as well as providing much needed support to the families by providing them respite. Special Care Australia provides people with special needs highest quality support to live their life to the fullest by empowering them to make their own life choices.


Our work is delivered at an extremely high standard according to the Human Standards Quality Framework. Special Care Australia is NDIS registered disability support provider and all our interactions with participants are delivered in a transparent, fair, equitable and responsive manner.

Safety, wellbeing and rights

Maintaining the participant’s safety from abuse, harm, neglect and violence and respecting their rights is our number one priority.

Supporting independence

We genuinely care about the well-being and the interests of our participants. Giving them personal choice, control and a voice is a fundamental principle of our work.

Participation and Inclusion

We work closely with families, friends, carers and other service providers to promote opportunities and programs for participants to experience and enjoy active inclusion in society.


Our support services are regularly assessed through internal audits to make sure they are the best available. We are always looking for better ways to maximise the NDIS plan funding for our participants.

Restless optimists

We always want to do a better job and provide the best possible care. Our management of services, through our expert people and processes, are always being improved to maximise outcomes for individuals.

Equal opportunity employer

We only hire the best people who share our passion for providing quality care to people with a disability, mental health and the aged.

Outcomes based

All our work with participants is designed to enable individuals to reach their personal goals. These programs are assessed, planned, delivered and reviewed as per the participant’s NDIS care plan.
We believe that a successful business operates in a positive community. The more we can do to foster a better local community in the Melbourne region, the more successful our business will be.