Restaurant Program (Have Lunch at Souvlaki GR)

Cranbourne 118 High St, Cranbourne VIC, Cranbourne VIC, Australia

Souvlaki GR was founded by Sam Karagiozis with the support of his late father Anastasios in early 2016. The Karagiozis family’s goal was to combine local Australian produce with traditional […]

Swimming Program

Clyde North Day Centre - 260i Heather Grove, Clyde North, Victoria, Victoria, Australia

Bike Riding at Casey Fields

Cranbourne East 160 Berwick-Cranbourne Rd, Cranbourne East, Victoria, Australia

The track is the first of its kind in Victoria and provides a fast-paced, actioned-packed training, competition and recreation cycling facility.

Visit to Mornington Rose Garden

Mornington VIC Dunns Rd &, Mornington-Tyabb Rd, Mornington VIC, Victoria, Australia

Picturesque, free-admission rose garden featuring a gazebo, modern sculptures & monthly teas.